I'm still learning how to optimize the time I have. I recently interviewed Mike Williams from David & Co of Getting Things Done. It reminded me of the principles I learned and implemented after reading Getting Things Done (thanks mom). Check out what I've learned from the many mistakes I made after being a full-time student while working and juggling a social life for a year and the products that made it easier along the way.
Write everything down I know this is super basic, but I’m not just talking about your everyday unorganized schedule/task sheet scribbled on a crumpled sheet of paper. I use Google Calendar to schedule everything. Class and study time, events, group meetings, picking up groceries, tests and exams…it’s all in there. That schedule comes from a sheet of things I know I have ‘To Do’. I aggregate my task list into things I have to do for Me, School, Work and ElaishaJade.com then I sort them by importance before I schedule them. Once it’s finished I am able to relax and think about whatever is in front of me at instead of worrying about what I need to do. Plus it's fun to do when you've got a pretty notebook from Indigo and this Darth Vader Pen from Cross pens (it's on my wish list guys).
Keep Fuelled Hunger is a big distraction and excuse for me when studying. As mentioned in my LA haul I love Kind Bars. They’re pretty nutritious and the nut ones are bulky enough to keep me going during class or a deep study session. Earlier this year I enjoyed trying out Fresh Restaurant's line of cold pressed juice. I don’t drink cow’s milk and I love how filling almond milks are so they’re usually a go-to alternative for me while studying too. The Strawberry Blonde flavour from Fresh is a yummy choice when I want a sweet treat.
Stay organized My notes, my schedule and my assets are each in one place. Even though I’m taking 6 courses this semester I only have one notebook. I grabbed a multi-subject notebook from Walmart when doing my back to school shopping. My LaCie is 1TB so I don’t carry around 12 USB keys or 2 hard rives to handle the high resolution assets that I use as a media student and YouTuber.
Engage your senses When interviewing Dr. Debora Serani about controlling our mood during the winter months she mentioned engaging our senses as a great way to modify how we feel. I already mentioned taste but for sound and scent I have some pretty cool suggestions. I visited Saje’s Eaton’s Centre location in August to buy a Quick Study oil for the diffuser they gave me last year. It’s a very sharp scent with citrus and woody notes. The smell not only grabs your attention but helps you focus on the task at hand unlike their more relaxing fragrances. I mentioned in my 23 things about me video that I am extremely sensitive to sound. To get in the zone I also control what I hear around me. I either want complete silence or I throw on a good playlist or album that matches how long I’ll be studying. I briefly tried and loved Sony’s MDR-1ADAC headphones at their trade show earlier this year. They bring song quality to another level which is perfect for media-geeks like me.
Alright CONTEST time: Phantom Glass, Nuvango and Saje Wellness want to keep you productive and in style with me this season. I've been using Phantom Glass for over a year now and it's protected my phone from damage after some klutzy falls. As well my phone is protected by it's Nuvango marble case which is so cute I got the matching one for my laptop too. They also have some cool threads available online too so be sure to check them out. Finally, Saje Wellness as I mentioned in my post has some incredible products. They were sweet enough to include the At my Desk Remedy Bar (which includes a roller ball featuring the productivity enhancing Quick Study for easy use on the go).
Entering to win is easy. Check out the Raffle Copter below!
This contest closes on October 21st and the winner will be announced on October 23rd. Open to Canadian residents only.